The Racine Theater Guild is in the final week of rehearsals for “The Producers” – and there’s  no question that it’s one of the most ambitious undertakings in their history.  It requires a talented and sizable cast – splashy dance numbers – lots of special effects – and a potent helping of chutzpah (is that how you spell it?)  to really bring it off.   And by george,  all of the above have come together marvelously.  The show looks and sounds great- the funny bits are being hit right out of the park-  and I would bet anything that Friday night’s crowd will be on their feet at the end of the evening, and not because they’re running for the exits.

Having said all that,  the show was dealt a bit of a blow over the weekend when Dan Martino,  our Max (the Nathan Lane part)  took an offstage tumble and badly injured one of his ankles.   Which meant that for last night’s rehearsal,  instead of being onstage,  Dan was seated in the front row of the audience,  singing and doing his dialogue from safety of his seat.   (He got to his feet once or twice, but that was it.)   For a few numbers where the spotlight operators needed to practice,  stage director Doug Instenes stood in for Dan, walking through his moves.   But otherwise,  Max was completely missing from the stage. . .  which only underscored how much this show relies on having a potent Max and Leo and great chemistry between them.  On the other hand,  missing Max (at least visually) also underscored that this show is full to the brim with other colorful characters that really make this show live!

Anyway,  it was disconcerting to have our Max relegated to the bench. . . especially four nights before we open. . .  but it was the only sensible thing to do-  unless we want our Max in a wheelchair opening night! Giving Dan’s ankle a chance to recover a bit was more than worth it.   And if the ankle gets worse instead of better,  then Dan and Doug will put their heads together and figure out something.   Several years back,  our friend Brian Shalk had a major role in RTG’s Scapino but suffered a very nasty injury (maybe a ruptured Achilles tendon) shortly before it opened and had to perform the play – on quite a complex set – on crutches.  But he did it,  and it was an incredibly impressive example of how The Show Must Go On.    And this one Will Go On, as well . . .  although all of us hope it will Go On with our Max up on his two feet again.

pictured above:  The silhouette you see in the foreground is Dan- one of the only moments all night long when he was up on his feet.

p.s.-  UPDATE-  Good news!  For Tuesday evening’s rehearsal,  we had our Max back onstage – and not even with crutches!  Hooray!