Monthly Archives: March 2007

Brittany’s Recital

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I just got back from Carthage where I accompanied soprano Brittany Foraker for her senior recital.  She was out of commission for several weeks with a really bad cold, so the last couple of weeks have been a mad dash for her to get things together- but she somehow managed to do exactly that and

Schulte Choir Sings up a Storm

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Last night was a great night for my wife and her 4th and 5th grade choir from Schulte Elementary School. They participated in a school district choral festival which featured singers from Case High School, a couple of middle schools, and several elementary schools as well - with everyone joining together as a mass choir

Dog Day

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I was responsible for transporting our two golden retrievers to Proper Paws Daycare this morning before heading off to WGTD.  First it meant some rapid massive cleaning out of my car - always a joy - positioning my backpack just so between the seats so as to keep the two darlings in the backseat -

Mr and Mrs  Edwards

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As someone in the media who tries to be fair to all sides, I don’t like to come out and say too much about my personal political positions - but I have to say that IF I were to vote for a democrat in the next presidential campaign, it would be John Edwards. I thought

What’s with the two pennies?

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I thought it would be cute to label this part of my website- the part where I might very well blather on about whatever strikes my fancy- “my two cents,” and to include a photo of two pennies to kick it off.  I don’t know if in fact my random thoughts and opinions will be