Monthly Archives: December 2012

People & Stuff

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The story of Christmas may have begun in a humble barn in Bethlehem, but many people have managed to transform it into a lavish celebration of gift-giving.  And let me say right off the bat that Kathy and I are among them.   We take great delight both in giving and receiving presents, and have never

Heart and Soul

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In all the years I spent dreaming about being a published composer,  I never had more than the vaguest notion of what that would mean, apart from the thrill of seeing my name on the cover of a “real” piece of music that one could see in a catalog or buy in a music store. 

“The Wondrous Gift is Given. . . “

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What a precious gift was shared Sunday morning with anyone and everyone who came to see Holy Communion Lutheran’s annual Christmas program, “Look for the Light.” It is always a moving and inspiring experience,  but of course this year was different. . . dramatically different.  Just the sight of these beautiful children was enough to

A Different Day

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This blog was going to be a lightweight affair about how from 8 until 10 this morning,  I was busy giving the six-page final exam for my Vocal Diction & Literature course at Carthage, which included listening as each student, one by one, pronounced words like schiavo (Italian), plötzlich (German), and printemp (French) and posing

Anything but Humdrum Drums!

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In the midst of a ferociously busy Finals Week at Carthage, complete with jury rehearsals that kept me in my office until almost 11:00 last night,  it may seem strange that I went out of my way to take in as much as I could of last night’s percussion recital.  After all, if stress reduction

Singing Strangers

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I’ve said it before, but I still can’t quite believe it. . . there are strangers - hundreds of them, in fact - singing my music right now.   On some level, I of course understood that this is what having a piece of music published is all about - sending your music out beyond your

The Face of Kindness

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I don’t know how many 52-year-old guys would do what I did last night.  Having just gotten home from the Carthage Obbligato Club Recital (for which I provided some last-minute emergency piano accompaniment) and with my wife gone to a friend’s jewelry party,  I had an hour entirely to myself. . . and spent it

Light Wait

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If anything underscores the ridiculous pace with which time has been hurdling this semester,   it is the fact that the 2012 Christmas Festival, “Love’s Pure Light,” is over and done with.  I would swear that it was just yesterday that I was licking my wounds from my last summertime thrashing on the tennis court at