Monthly Archives: June 2012

Fun with Jane

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I am attending the 52nd national convention of NATS-  the National Association of Teachers of Singing- in Orlando, FL, and while these gatherings feature at least some dry-as-dust  presentations, there are also those moments that offer up  nothing less than thrills and chills.  This convention featured a big thrill right up front after the opening

The Downward Spiral

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  News Flash!!! -  I have put on a few pounds.  I’m not sure exactly how many because I haven’t been on a scale in quite awhile  (I’m pretty sure it’s still a three-digit number, if that’s any help)  but it’s a lot more pounds than I should be carrying around.  And I know people

A simple cup and saucer

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So when I shared the book “The Burning House”  with my dad the day before yesterday,  he shared an interesting story that I don’t remember hearing before.  He and Sonja are being visited this weekend by a treasured family friend, Willie Nour, and his partner Guy.  This, of course, set off a round of thorough

The Burning House

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I get dozens of books sent to me every month.... (thanks to the many author interviews I do for WGTD) ..... many more than I can possibly use for the program ..... and a lot of them, frankly, are excruciatingly boring, at least to me - while others feel like tiresome retreads of books that

Fool’s Gold

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I have never been very good at pulling a fast one-  especially when it comes to my wife.  She sees thru my little fibs like Superman sees thru Saran Wrap (you’ve never heard that old saying?) and the one or two times I’ve tried to concoct a surprise for her, my efforts have gone down

Gray Roses

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Kathy and I had some lovely time with our niece Lorelai a couple of days ago (boy, “babysitting” seems like an absurdly wrong word to use with her anymore)  - and while it was mostly fun and goofy, we managed to stumble into a little moment of ethical reflection that caught all of us off

Onward, Anneka!

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I think it’s fair to say that you haven’t lived until you’ve attended a graduation ceremony for Racine’s Walden III High School.  Forget everything you’ve come to believe about such events: that they’re long, stiff, stuffy and boring.  Walden III does graduation the same way it does education: with a sense of flare and fun,

Venus and the Sun

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Unless you’re living under a rock,  you almost certainly know that yesterday was the Transit of Venus . . . a rare celestial event in which certain Earthlings (if you happen to live in certain parts of the planet) can watch the planet Venus travel across the face of the sun.   There are always two

It’s rough out there

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I don’t know about you,  but I cannot wait for this recall election to be over.  I have very fervent hopes that it will turn out a certain way,  so I’m not one of those people who have thrown up their hands in frustration and decided not to care anymore.  I care- but I swear

Something we must learn. . .

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I was witness to several grand finales this weekend,  each with its own particular character and flavor.  The first of them was Saturday night, when the Racine Theater Guild’s amazing production of the musical “Chicago” came to an end after four weekends of performances and weeks of preparation before that.  This was an irreversible ending,