Monthly Archives: July 2016

High Trek: The Ultimate Computer

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I'm commemorating the 50th anniversary of Star Trek by celebrating my top five episodes from the original series.   My top three episodes are The Doomsday Machine,  The Corbomite Maneuver,  and Balance of Terror.  #4 on my list of favorite episodes is The Ultimate Computer. First, I need to say a word about how prescient

High Trek: Balance of Terror

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I am celebrating the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek by celebrating my five favorite episodes from the original series.  My #3 favorite is Paul Schneider's "Balance of Terror,"  which is very clearly inspired by the classic submarine film The Enemy Below.   Far too often, imitation of a previous story is nothing

High Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

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In honor of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series,  I am celebrating my five favorite episodes from the series.   #1 was "The Doomsday Machine."  #2 is .......  cue dramatic drum roll, please ...... The Corbomite Maneuver.    If you're at all acquainted with the show, you might know that in 1965

High Trek: The Doomsday Machine

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Fifty years ago,  an amazing program called Star Trek debuted on NBC.  It was utterly unlike anything else that had ever been seen on television- and although it certainly had fervent fans right from the start,  there were even more people who were probably bewildered or amused  by it, who scarcely knew what to make

In the Heat of the Day

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You know that you are truly loved and admired when more than a hundred people gather in a stuffy church sanctuary (without air conditioning)  on an oppressively hot and humid summer afternoon (with a temperature of 96 degrees and a heat index of 103 degrees) to listen to you sing a voice recital ....  and

A Daughter Comes Home

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There was an extraordinary sense of joy in the air this past Sunday at Holy Communion when the congregation welcomed home our own Laura Hermanns,   whose mother is Lynn Helmke and whose father was one of our pastors,  Walter Hermanns.  Laura grew up in the loving bosom of our congregation, and those of us

Star Great

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In New Orleans (2004) it was Jennifer Larmore.  In Minneapolis (2006) it was Haken Hakegard.  In Nashville (2008) it was Dawn Upshaw and Sherrill Milnes.    In Orlando (2010) it was Jane Eaglen and Nathan Gunn.  In Salt Lake City (2012) it was Kelli O'Hara.  And in Boston (2014) it was Thomas Hampson.  To the

Chicago Pairs

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It's roughly the halfway point for the national convention of NATS-  the National Association of Teachers of Singing,  a grand gathering of voice teachers and students to celebrate what we do and to learn how to do it still better.  These conventions occur every other summer,  and I have had the pleasure of attending all

Strong Song

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I'm about to write something about the game of soccer, so I should preface this with a confession that may make a few of my present and past voice students a bit unhappy - but here goes:  I have never been much of a  soccer fan.  I feel bad about that,  especially because a number

Songs with Zach

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One of the most talented musicians I know-  who happens to be a mighty nice guy as well -  is a former voice student of mine named Zachary Scot Johnson.  And if for some reason you're not willing to take my word for it,  then go on to YouTube,  type Zachary Scot Johnson Song a