It was an announcement which I’m sure John Salvo did not enjoy making – so he tried to enliven it with some humor, which was nice.  But the news, nevertheless, was rather grim-  The call committee of Holy Communion has struck out with its first three candidates for a new pastor.  The circumstances varied a bit for each and mostly came down to two of the candidates accepting another call from a previous interview.  But the last one was apparently a heartbreaker because it was someone all seven committee members were really excited about – and they’re not really sure just what led him to withdraw his name from consideration for our congregation.   But withdraw it he did and we are back to square one.   It’s certainly nothing unique to Holy Communion and by no means should we be panicking at this point- but nonetheless it is such a bewildering feeling to need a new pastor and to not have one – and it’s hard not to feel at least a little twinge of “wait a minute.  Whaddya mean, you don’t want to be our pastor?!” Those of us who are part of HC like to think of it as a most inviting place, but in fact it isn’t all that inviting for some people who might prefer a place in a thriving suburb or with more young members or with a modern sanctuary or . . .or  . . . or. . .

The truth of the matter is that in a moment like this, I think most of us at Holy Communion realize anew that we have been pretty much spoiled rotten by the pastors who have served this congregation . . .  gifted, committed pastors who have also been friends.   And as we scan the horizon, a bit forlornly at the moment, we certainly hope and pray that a strong and sensitive shepherd (or shepherdess) is already on their way to us.

I have come to reject the picture of life as a series of forks in the road, in which there is one right choice (the will of God) and that we risk a lot by taking one of the other paths instead.  If that were true,  then all of us would be way way way off course from God’s most desired will for our lives – because all it takes is one “wrong” turn to set you on a course vastly different from what God might want.  I like to think instead that there are not exactly right turns and wrong turns on life’s path – and that whatever paths we choose, God walks with us.  It’s more that the rights and wrongs are in HOW we live, in what God calls us to do and be.  Whatever road we take at the next intersection – and there might be five or six different possibilities – the most important thing is how we live as we take that road and whether or not we live by those beautiful words from Micah 6:8. . .  What is it that the Lord requires but that we love kindness and do justice and walk humbly with our God.”

I’m not exactly sure how that plugs into these thoughts about Holy Communion and our need for a new pastor, except to say that whoever we feel moved to call – and whoever ultimately feels moved to accept that call – what matters most of all is what we do from that point on.  Certainly we should look for someone who fits our needs and our dreams- and the pastor who comes to HC should be someone who will bloom in this particular garden.  But in the end, it’s all about what we do and how we live and being faithful, whatever road we ultimately find ourselves taking.

pictured:  Pastor Jeff Barrow in the HC pulpit- who is now becoming half-time in order to be an assistant to the bishop of our synod.