Monthly Archives: August 2011

Falling Store

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We all knew this day was coming- but it was still really hard this afternoon when I saw the sign with my own eyes - Store Closing- Everything Must Go- Nothing Held Back.  Sadly, the sign was not in the front window of a store I don’t care about,  like Spencer Gifts or General Nutrition

Simple Gifts

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This weekend I am in Dubuque, providing music and worship leadership for something called the Grace Institute - and after that I’m heading up north for a retreat of my own with Kathy, her dad, Polly, Mark, and Lorelai.  We will be away from home, away from work, and away from most of our obligations. 

Norse Stars

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Once the Weston Noble Alumni Choir concert had been sung,  it was time to really relax and enjoy an event that I fondly remember from childhood but have experienced only sporadically since then. . . Decorah’s Nordic Fest.  The brochure for this year’s fest said it was the 45th Nordic Fest, which means that the