Monthly Archives: July 2010

Mr. Greedy & Me

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A week ago,  just as the NATS convention was ending, I received news via Facebook (thank you, Kim Torrey, a school mate from Luther) that my voice teacher at Luther, David Greedy, had just passed away.  There was something almost poetic about hearing this news at a moment when I was working hard on my


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Kate Potter-Barrow and I have both celebrated 50th birthdays this year;  mine was back in February while Kate’s big day fell on the 4th of July.  And for all that Kate and I share in common (which is quite a lot)  the way we have commemorated our respective half centuries says a lot about our

Where the Beauty Is

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A week ago tonight,  Kathy and I and Kate Potter Barrow (who drove on down to Salt Lake City to meet us) were sitting in Maurice Abravanel Hall (the city’s major downtown concert hall) . . .  but more than sitting, we were actually floating on air.  That was thanks to the magnificent Kelli O’Hara.  

Honest Effort

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Of everything that was on the schedule for the recently completed NATS convention,  what excited me the most was a special session designed to help us as voice teachers to prepare our students to sing the best possible opera audition.  A panel of four experts was convened to speak to us - and they included

A Mountaintop

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Kathy and I have just returned from a week in Salt Lake City where I attended the national convention of NATS (the National Association of Teachers of Singing) . . .  and when people ask me what was most fun or exciting, the first thing out of my mouth is “watching the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

The Rhine Misters

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I am well aware that most people go running in the other direction at the mere mention of the word “opera” - and if the opera at hand happens to be by Richard Wagner, their running is apt to be accompanied by desperate screaming. That’s because the operas of Wagner are among the longest and