Monthly Archives: March 2010

Dawn and Out

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Yesterday morning at 5:30 a.m., while most of you were still nestled in bed,  I was driving around the south side of Racine, trying to find doughnut holes and having a terrible time of it.   The reason for my fervent search was that I wanted to wish the members of the Carthage Choir bon voyage

One Wrong Turn

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Someday in (I hope) the distant future, when it’s time to carve some words on my tombstone, I have a suggestion:   Man in a Hurry.   It’s the exceptional day when I’m not racing off to a rehearsal or voice lesson or interview or church service or concert- and that’s what seems to get me into

Plays Well With Others

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Today happens to be the 4th birthday of Bobbi, the younger of our two golden retrievers- and I’m smiling as I think about some fun we had this past Sunday with both dogs, when we took them for the first time to the new leash-less dog run at Petrifying Springs.   This is a beautiful park

The Last Five Years

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If you ever get the chance to experience a musical called “”The Last Five Years” by Jason Robert Brown,  don’t let that chance pass you by.  This is a fascinating, deeply affecting musical that (to put it mildly) is not exactly “Annie Get Your Gun.”   It tells the story of the slow and ultimately painful

Father Time

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My dad-  my healthy-as-a-horse, scarcely-sick-a-day-in-his- life,  people-mistake-us-for-brothers dad-   was in the hospital last week,  apparently the victim of some sort of infection which was causing him all sorts of trouble.  He had a couple of recent procedures and it’s entirely possible that the infection sprang from that,  but mostly this was a bewildering and frightening