Monthly Archives: May 2009

Fancy That

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I am a bachelor tonight while Kathy plays with some friends from the Theater Guild - but I wasn’t stuck eating franks ‘n’ beans out of a can, that’s for sure.  This afternoon at Carthage was the New Alumni Convocation, a formal ceremony in Siebert Chapel to kick off commencement weekend.  (Distinguished alumni awards are

The Joys of Home Ownership

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It  was nine years ago yesterday that Kathy and I officially moved into this house.   And to celebrate,  Kathy broke our downstairs bathroom door. Wait, let me rephrase that. Mother Nature broke our downstairs bathroom door, thanks to a nasty gust of wind which came up at just the wrong time and which - thanks

Happy Ending

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Well,  I survived the last seven days somehow - and reasonably intact both in mind and body -  and when my last big obligation (Polly’s choir concert at Tremper) was done earlier tonight, I was in my car and on my way to Tinseltown Cinema to catch the final few minutes of the Metropolitan Opera’s

Black & White

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I have not managed to be on the treadmill even once in the last two weeks, thanks to the wildness which comes with the last two weeks of the school year. . . but this morning at 11:00 I was doing my own version of Sweatin’ to the Oldies.   No, I don’t mean Richard Simmons. 

Strait Jacket Days

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First, a word about this self-photo.  I took it during Pastor Jeff’s interesting sermon last Sunday on the gospel lesson where Jesus says “I am the Vine and you are the branches.”  As a visual aid during the sermon,  Jeff had two people slowly drape the entire congregation in one long string of green cord,

Day by Day

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Tonight was the preview performance for the Racine Theater Guild’s production of “Godspell” - and it’s hard to put into words how exciting and impressive this performance was.  We have a wonderful cast that has worked together so beautifully -  and they have seized this show with such passion and energy.   The funny stuff is

Election Day

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Today was Election Day for the Carthage Choir - that is, the day when the choir elects a new slate of officers for the coming year- and they really take this seriously.  Nominations are gathered from the floor for each of the offices:  President, VP, etc.  - and two days later (which was today) each

We are the World

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This afternoon and tonight was my wife’s school choir concert - and since it was titled “It’s a Small World After All,” I decided to look appropriately “worldly” by wearing one of my favorite Save The Children ties. . .a really colorful one with the image of children from around the world joining hands.  With

Strange New Worlds

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You know it’s an uncommon day when Marshall Anderson and Greg Berg see an opera but it’s not the highlight of their day!  We spent most of the afternoon watching the high definition simulcast of Rossini’s La Cenerentola (a version of the Cinderella story)  and had fun- but I don’t think it was quite as

Master Class

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He may be 86 years old,  but Weston Noble is still an amazing master of his craft,  as he proved again and again during his last several days at Carthage.  In fact,  I’m not sure anything says it any better than when one of my voice students,  Andrew Spinelli,  asked me after tonight’s concert -