Monthly Archives: January 2008

Frigid Air

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If a photograph can convey temperature, doesn’t this one say two below zero, with a wind chill of twenty below?  There’s something about the crispness of that clear sky and the sight of the smoke seeming to freeze in place.  Wisconsin is in the grips of a bitter cold snap, and chances are it’s really


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I guess whoever (or Whoever) hands out excitement decided that January had not already been an exciting enough month in Kenosha.  Here’s what happened yesterday morning on the northside of Kenosha, already shellshocked from the tornado that hit eleven days ago. It’s about 7:36 and I am climbing the stairs of the Bio Sciences Building

Front Page News

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And I thought I knew what it felt like to be caught up in the vortex of a media maelstrom with last week’s tornado and my photos of it - (which have been borrowed by the National Weather Service, believe it or not!) but that was just a little hiccup compared to the journalistic juggernaut

The Big City

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Tuesday night I was in Chicago with Marshall to attend the Lyric Opera.   We saw a new opera called “Doctor Atomic” and it was quite a yawner. . . a $55 nap, all told. . . but at least I had a great meal at the Berghoff Restaurant and it just felt good to be

Bear Package

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I don’t know this young man’s name, but I know that he is really lucky to be alive.  He’s one of thousands of people across the country who has been attacked by a really frightening infection called MRSA.  We had a very scary outbreak of this at Carthage in the fall,  and some of our

Shredded Tix

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Sounds like the name of a breakfast cereal, doesn’t it? I probably need to proceed carefully here, since I didn’t secure permission to tell this story - so let me just say that I was visiting a certain good friend of mine who used to be a pastor at Holy Communion - and this story

Too Close for Comfort

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Today is the first day that I really saw any significant tornado damage with my own eyes- and it happened only because Kathy was driving at the time (to drop me off in Kenosha at the KSO Youth Auditions) and she asked me if I was interested.  And although I have to admit that my

In Other News . . .

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With half of Kenosha County visiting my website to see the tornado pictures, it just didn’t feel right to displace my tornado entry the very next day with the first update from my bathroom scale. . . So let me sneak this in two days after the fact. . . This number made me happy,

Big Ben

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Monday was the day of the tornado, and I walked into the house just a little after 6 still reeling from the experience. . . and I’m not sure just how I would have shaken loose from those jitters had I not had a couple of wonderful visitors at 7 that evening who took me

Funnel Vision

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I just saw my first tornado - and my stomach is still in my throat.  I am home in Racine, safe and sound - but about 90 minutes ago I saw this scene directly to the west of Carthage’s campus. From the sounds of it, several homes and some businesses on the north side of