Here is the opening movement of my Short Requiem, as performed at my 25th anniversary concert “Streams of Mercy Never Ceasing” at Holy Communion Lutheran Church.    This piece was sung by the combined forces of my senior choir and the Lincoln Chamber Singers, with Laura Wangaard playing clarinet.   Laura Jansen,  a soprano in my church choir,  sings the opening solo.

The work opens with “Requiem aeternam, dona eis Domine” which means “Eternal Rest grant them, Lord.”  The second set of text is “et lux perpetua luceat eis,” which means “and let perpetual light shine.”  In this part of the work,  the lower male voices begin singing “et lux” – “and light” – in a clipped fashion, as though someone were trying to strike a spark to start a fire.   Their phrases grow longer and longer, and one by one the voice parts above them are added to the texture,  as though the fire grow more and more massive.   It’s a really difficult passage and I’m proud of these singers for doing as good a job with it as they do.

The piece was commissioned by Derek Machan, director of Choral Activities at Waterford High School.