This is an excerpt from the interview I was able to record with Usha Gandhi during her visit to southeastern Wisconsin several years ago for a Bridges of Peace event.  It was an extraordinary honor to be in the presence of someone like that-  but also hugely intimidating.  Never have been more afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing and somehow causing offense.  I was also worried about her because she was exhausted after her long trip and had to postpone our interview at least once in order to have some time to rest. The delay only heightened my anxiety.   But as it turned out,  she was a delight:   incredibly humble, full of life,  and very easy to talk to.  This encounter counts among my most memorable in my many years of doing the program.   (At the very end of this excerpt,  she tells a lovely and entertaining story about her grandfather that you’ll never hear about in any of the many official biographies written about him!)

The official Morning Show archive is housed on the station’s website,  It is there that you can listen to nearly all of the Morning Show interviews, in their entirety,  that have aired over the last several years.