It’s an inescapable reality that when it comes to booking radio guests,  there is typically an inverse relationship between the fame of the guest and the amount of time they will yield for an interview.  Most of the biggest names I have interviewed have been available to me for ten minutes or less- which is a frustration that I am willing to accept if it means talking with someone truly interesting.  Certainly I had no hesitancy in accepting such an opportunity to interview Steve Wozniak, co-creator with Steve Jobs of the Apple Computer.   The opportunity for our all-too-brief conversation was the publication of his memoir iWoz, which is a wonderful look inside the psyche of this brilliant and very humane man.  Part of me wishes we could have talked longer- but maybe a longer conversation would have revealed my woeful ignorance of matters involving personal computing.   Be that as it may,  I’m glad that I at least was able to speak with him for this brief amount of time.

The official Morning Show archive is housed on the station’s website,  It is there that you can listen to nearly all of the Morning Show interviews, in their entirety,  that have aired over the last several years.