Monthly Archives: April 2010

Greg’s Great Flu Fib

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State Solo & Ensemble is coming up on May first, and I know it will be an incredibly busy day- which is exactly as I like it. By my rough estimate, I anticipate playing for at least a dozen singers from Tremper, three from Case, 1 from Prairie, 2 from Union Grove,  2 home-schooled students,

Horns of Plenty

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It’s Recital Season at Carthage (which almost sounds like a line from that famous Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd cartoon about “Rabbit Season/ Duck Season”) . . .  which means, among other things,  a little less time for blogging, playing Pathwords and watching opera clips on YouTube.  Instead, just about every spare moment of my time seems

Car Wash

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I bade farewell to a friend today. We enjoyed a lot of fun times over the last five years-  and weathered some rough moments as well -  but isn’t that the foundation of all friendships? And as I look back,  I only wish that I had treated my friend with a little more loving care.

Little Lambs

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I can’t begin to count all of the memorable moments from the worship services in which I participated this weekend-  two Good Friday services, an Easter Vigil Service Saturday night, and three services this morning. . . each one so very meaningful in its own way.   And in an odd sort of way, the cherry

Her Only Toy- & Other Lessons of Gratitude

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It has been such a good Good Friday because again and again I have been powerfully reminded of how important it is to be truly grateful. Gratitude Tale #1 - Sometime this morning,  I signed on to Facebook and saw a posting from my friend Bruce Tammen,  whose daughter was involved in a tragic accident