Monthly Archives: October 2008

While strolling thru the park one day . . . (2)

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I don’t like to brag  (yeah, right)  but I am so proud of this photograph. (It almost looks like a painting, doesn’t it?)   I took it this past weekend during a spontaneous visit to Petrifying Springs.   I was actually there twice during the same weekend,  which is absolutely unheard of for me, but the weather

While strolling thru the park one day . . .

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My wife and her were really turning heads in Petrifying Springs Sunday afternoon -  but it had nothing to do with us, but rather with our two gorgeous girls,  Bobbi and Ellie.  We are with them all the time,  but it isn’t until we are out in public with them that we are reminded all

Mozart in the Room

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One highlight of this past weekend was a concert at Carthage which consisted entirely of the music of my colleague and fellow Luther grad,  Mark Petering- and four of the five pieces were receiving their world premiere.  A program devoted entirely to modern music can be very hard to stomach, depending on the composer and

A Thing of “Beauty”

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I spent two and a half hours Saturday leading a musical run through of “Beauty and the Beast” at the Racine Theater Guild,  the fall production which will open the day after Thanksgiving.   We have been rehearsing for a little over a month,  but it’s very tricky to really know where we stand until you

The Organist and the Elevator

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I had an experience today that may not seem like that big a deal to you - but to me it was about as terrifying as an experience can be that’s not life-threatening.  This afternoon at 3:00 was the wedding of Cara Russo,  a very nice young woman who plays percussion with the Kenosha Pops

Bass Off

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Here are two of my basses...   To the left is Andrew Spinelli, who is a sophomore.  To the right is Nic Sluss-Rodionov, who is several years past graduation.   And both of these guys make me so glad that I am a voice teacher.  Andrew is one of a number of students I have who is

Weakly Reader

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When I got to the radio station this morning,  there was a stern email awaiting me which had been sent to general manager Dave Cole-  someone in the administration asked him to ask me to please delete some of my Gateway emails because my inbox was completely full - - -  and that made it

Fly Over

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As I sat at the computer tonight writing a blog entry about the horrendous state of my car, I found myself distracted and in fact fascinated by the sight of my wife’s campaign to kill our latest unwanted tenants....   our fruit flies.   Apparently, we owe the honor of their presence to a big pile of

Well Red

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It was a weekend of RED for the Bergs,  thanks to the homecoming festivities at Carthage -  and aside from the football team’s inexplicable collapse and last-minute loss to Elmhurst (they gave the game away like one might throw a quarter into a Salvation Army kettle)  it was a perfect weekend,  filled to overflowing with

Just Say “Yes.”

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Piled on top of the fun of Carthage’s homecoming was also the excitement of the Kenosha Symphony’s first concert of the season,  for which I was a participant on two fronts:  as narrator for “Lincoln Portrait” by Aaron Copland and in preparing a small group of singers to perform the magnificent quintet “The Promise of