I was responsible for transporting our two golden retrievers to Proper Paws Daycare this morning before heading off to WGTD.  First it meant some rapid massive cleaning out of my car – always a joy – positioning my backpack just so between the seats so as to keep the two darlings in the backseat – and safely away from the ziplock bag of dog food and treats which I put on the front passenger seat.  Then came the fun of bringing the two dogs out on their leashes,  which always feel like you’re trying to walk Babe the Blue Ox and her obstinate twin sister.  But I got them to the car and into the back seat safe and sound. WHEW.

But I spoke too soon-  Ellie literally leapt over the backpack and into the front seat, landing squarely on the dog food and splitting open the ziplock bag with her paw and sending dog food spewing all over the place.  And when I dove in to grab her and haul her out of there, she knocked my glasses right off my face, and as they hit the ground, both of my lenses popped out the frames.  So I’ve got 55 pounds of Ellie in my arms, a gallon of dog hair all over my black pants, and I’m blind as a bat.  And when I involuntarily cut loose with an angry “Dammit!” (the worst swear word I ever say) I could hear it echo down the block in the morning stillness.  Somehow I managed to get Ellie back in the backseat, my lenses back in their frames, most of the dog food gathered up, and a small portion of my dignity restored.

Just when I was afraid there would be nothing to write about today. . .